Anmälan till Goals FC 2025 - Autumn 2025 - Teams

   GOALS FC Autumn Leagues 2025

Please find all the information below regarding our Winter 2025 Season.

We are accepting registrations for teams and individuals now at both our state of the art Goals Football Centres. Are you ready to play? JOIN NOW! TEAM REGISTRATION IS FREE, only players need to pay their season fee.


Register your team NOW! LIMITED spaces per league available!


• 6-a-side
• Kick off times 8.05pm/8.50pm/9.35pm
• Player Registration Fee Options

$195 per player (12 games - plus online processing surcharge from Stripe)

We will do our best to accomodate your kick off preferences if any however you will be required to be flexible where required.

- No more weekly game fees, all players pay upfront for the season
• 6 players plus 5 substitutes allowed on matchdays (11) - all participating players must be registered and paid for
• 40 Minutes Games (2x 20 minute halves)
•Minimum 7 players for 6-a-side leagues

• Monday 6s kicks off week commencing Monday 20 January 2025 (unless notified otherwise)

+ Season is inclusive of Finals - structure indicated by draw online

• Finals Winners receive a Trophy plus team beers
• Finals Runners Up receive runners up beers

- N/a



• Goals FC Moorabbin 1 Lennox St Moorabbin VIC 3189


STEP 1 - Registering a new team

•You will firstly need to register a team (unless you are an individual looking for a team)
• Teams who register and individuals will not be accepted
• Players must be registered before the season kicks off!
•Please make sure you register your team with the MAIN CONTACT/TEAM MANAGER/COACH details and ensure you select the correct age group on the drop down menu.
• Please choose a unique team that identifies your team (be creative) - this will ensure no duplicate team names too
• Once you've registered a team Goals FC Management will approve team registrations within 24 hours, they will then become available for players to Register as an Individual for your team
• Minimum 6 players must register to a team for 5-a-side and 7 players for 6-a-side

STEP 2 - Registering players

• Once you've registered your team into the correct age group, your team will then need to be approved by Goals FC. Once approved, you/parents will then be able to register players for your team and pay the fees
• If you can't see your team in the registration search, it means the team hasn't either hasn’t been approved or it hasn't been registered yet by your coach/team manager.


- for any urgent questions

▪️ 1300 372 300


Du är inloggad som {{loggedInAs}}
Dina uppgifter har hämtats automatiskt
Du verkar ha använt CupManager innan.
Om du vill kan vi hämta dina uppgifter automatiskt
Du har använt CupManager innan.
logga in för att hämta dina uppgifter

Skriv in din epost igen

Du är inloggad som {{loggedInAs}}
Dina uppgifter har hämtats automatiskt

Er anmälan


Välj vilka klasser du vill anmäla er till

Monday 6s Monday 6s  

Full, anmäl för reservplats {{registration.clubName}} har anmält max antal lag till Monday 6s Stängd Endast inbjudning {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} platser kvar
Välj typ av lag ovan Bara för motionslag Bara för föreningslag Ange förening först Register team Already registered to category
Monday 6s
Laget kommer hamna på reservlista


Norway Cup is a meeting place for children and youths from all over the world, and our vision is to be "the world's largest and most important venue for the joy of sport and friendship". We constantly work with partners on social action projects. The SDGs set out 17 goals to improve our world and we want to encourage our participants to help us take action. Choose one goal that's important to your team and follow our website and social media for fun activities and competitions in the lead up to the tournament. Read more about the SDGs here:

Välj ett mål


Specifika villkor för lagen

Avtal för registrering

Var god läs nedanstående avtal och kryssa i rutan för att markera att du accepterar innehållet

As captain, you need to read, understand and accept the terms and conditions on the link below:

As well as acknowledged that you've read the rules



Om du har en rabattkod, fyll i den nedan

Du kan nu betala med faktura nedan Du kan nu välja att betala med banköverföring nedan


Välj betalningssätt

Den här anmälan måste betalas med kort
Kortbetalning krävs inte för att du är administratör

Välj vad du vill betala nu

Kostnader för anmälan

Att betala nu

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

inklusive en depositionsavgift på {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Att betalas innan {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Att betalas vid ett senare tillfälle

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Att betala nu

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

inklusive en depositionsavgift på {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Välj vad du vill betala nu

Kostnader för anmälan

Att betala nu

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

inklusive en depositionsavgift på {{payNowDeposit(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

Att betalas innan {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Att betalas vid ett senare tillfälle

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Att betala nu

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

inklusive en depositionsavgift på {{payNowDeposit(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

Vad ska inluderas i den första fakturan

Kostnader för anmälan

Kommer faktureras direkt

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

inklusive en depositionsavgift på {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Förfallodatum {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Kommer faktureras senare

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Fakturan skickas senast {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Fakturan kommer skickas vid ett senare tillfälle

Kommer faktureras direkt

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

inklusive en depositionsavgift på {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Förfallodatum {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Kostnader för anmälan

Att betalas senast {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Att betalas snarast

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

inklusive en depositionsavgift på {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Att betalas senast {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Att betalas vid ett senare tillfälle

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Lägg märke till att det finns lag i anmälan som kommer hamna på reservlista
